Is ASAP Pathway The Right Program For You?

ASAP Pathway isn’t for every dentist. Before signing up, please read through the rest of the page to determine if the program is right for you and your goals.

This Program is for you if:

You’ve already taken one or more courses in pediatric airway, but are still thinking:

  • What are the next steps?
  • How do I actually apply and implement what I’ve learned?
  • Where do I find a supportive, helpful and friendly group to discuss clinical cases with and help me make fewer of the inevitable beginner mistakes?
  • How do I incorporate what I’ve learned into the daily routine of my restorative clinical practice (without screwing up the flow and totally ticking off all my staff)
  • You’re overwhelmed with the various educational options and don’t know where to start or what to take next.
  • You’re looking for a single place to bring all the puzzle pieces together.
  • You’re looking to train your team members in the comfort of your office or on their own schedule, and at their own pace, WITHOUT all the expense of flying them around the country (if they’ll even consider flying now) and then hoping they stay with your office long term.
  • You want to learn how to start collaborating with a multi-disciplinary team of physicians, dentists, and therapists but you don’t know where to begin.
  • You want to learn more about pediatric dental sleep medicine, the different ways it could be incorporated into your practice, whether this is something that is right for you to incorporate in your practice, at what level, AND HOW TO DO SO WITHOUT LOSING MONEY!
  • You would like to learn in the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule (i.e. as fast or slow as you want), without travel and time away from your family and practice, and without the extra expense incurred with on-site live classes (that are taught at the speed of the lowest common denominator or so fast it’s totally confusing—or, at this point, totally canceled).
  • You are looking to become part of a like-minded community of dentists and contribute to the group’s implementation of pediatric dental sleep medicine and growth of the field.

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